domingo, outubro 14, 2001

Ontem foi dia de parquinho, apesar de eu só ter andado em dois brinquedos, já que a Terra Encantada tem hora pra fechar, mas andei no Montanha Russa e valeu a pena. E ri tudo que eu podia e não podia na Xícara Maluca.

Depois fomos pro Downtown.

Dormi eram quase 5 horas da manhã e acordei às 8:00. Detesto quando durmo pouco, fico achando que eu vou cair no sono a qualquer minuto. :P
Li blogs, atualizei links e estou aqui baixando o demo do Galactic Battlegrounds e ouvindo Guns pra animar um pouco a manhã ...
ps: Priw dorme serenamente ... mesmo comigo cantando, coitadinha :P

I used to love her
but I had to kill her
I used to love her, Mm, yeah
but I had to kill her
I had to put her six feet under
and I can still hear her complain

I used to love her, Oo, yeah
but I had to kill her
I used to love her, Oo, yeah
but I had to kill her
I knew I'd miss her
so I had to keep her
she's buried right in my backyard
oh yeah, Oo yeah, whoa, oh yeah

I used to love her
but I had to kill her
I used to love her, Mm, yeah
but I had to kill her
she bitched so much, She drove me nuts
and now I'm happier this way, yeah
whoa, oh yeah

I used to love her
but I had to kill her
I used to love her, Mm, yeah
but I had to kill her
I had to put her, six feet under
and I can still hear her complain

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